
When I started this blog two years ago, I was at rock bottom. I needed an outlet other than suicide. So I started to share my life through the written word with others. I felt so courageous and felt safe knowing that no one could harm me for having a voice.

As I update my site on the 17th day of March 2019, I am thirty-two. Having lived in a verbally abused and sheltered bubble through age thirty, I have since spread my wings; taken a chance here and tried to be courageous there. And everyday I am terrified for the next panic or depression attack. But I try. And I have learned I can only do my best.

I continue to hope to embrace the darkest corners of our vulnerability and connect openly. Let’s share the struggles that mental health forces upon each of us, everyday. I hope to enrich your life and for you to enrich mine as we continue to find beauty in the world and conquer small goals that equate to big wins.

On a less serious note…

Above all else, expect silly humor and improper use of sarcasm from my posts. Maybe some profanity if you are lucky.

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